Before You Enlist Video -
Researching Pop Culture and Militarism -
If you have been Harassed by a Military Recruiter -
War: Turning now to Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson - Christian Science Monitor
Click through to find out
Religion and militarism -
‘A Poison in the System’: Military Sexual Assault - New York Times
Change your Mind?
Talk to a Counselor at the GI Rights Hotline
Ask that your child's information is denied to Military Recruiters
And monitor that this request is honored.
Military Recruiters and Programs Target marginalized communities for recruits...
..and the high schools in those same communities

 Militarization of our Schools

The Pentagon is taking over our poorer public schools. This is the reality for disadvantaged youth.


What we can do

Corporate/conservative alliances threaten Democracy . Progressives have an important role to play.

 Why does NNOMY matter?

Most are blind or indifferent to the problem.
A few strive to protect our democracy.

Rallies/protests, etc.

Protests and marches have brought people together throughout history providing individuals a space to visibly stand up for what they believe in.  They have often gained lots of media attention as well.  Protests and marches themselves often do not bring about a direct change in policy or activity so it is important to utilize them for what they do have to offer.  Rallies and marches are a good avenue to get your message out, so you must be very clear about that message, such as having matching signs with the same slogan or set of slogans and website.   They are also a great way to do outreach, but you must make sure you have folks handing out flyers about why you are marching, what your demands are, how to get involved and contact info.  In addition, protests and marches attract the media so it’s important to be prepared with press packets, spokespeople and a very clear message.  

Things to remember/do when organizing a rally or march:

  1. Outreach, outreach, outreach!  (flyers, chalking, radio, newsletters, emails)
  2. Pick the right day and time  (Are people at work, in class, out of town)
  3. Location matters (Who is your target, your audience, will you be seen?)
  4. Get your message clear and announced early on
  5. Make sure your speakers represent a wide variety of perspectives and constituents
  6. Choose a dynamic MC (Young people are great!)
  7. Check to see if you need permission or a permit
  8. Don’t forget the sound system (megaphone and/or mic & speakers)
  9. Grab the Gear!  (Banners, signs, buttons, T-shirts, noisemakers, etc.)
  10. Press preparation (Alert the press, press releases, spokespeople, sound bytes)
  11. Engage onlookers (Make sure you’re handing out flyers and talking to folks)

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The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.

Gonate time or money to demilitarize our public schools



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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