pdf Army National Convention Program, 1/27/84 (Archived) Popular

By In General Recruiting 3004 downloads

National Convention Program
1 . P U R P O S E . This regulation establishes the policy , responsibilities, and procedures governing the US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) National Convention Program.
2 . SCOP E . This regulation is applicable to all elements of this Command and to both the Regular Army (RA) and the US Army Reserve (USAR) recruiting effort.
3. POLICY. It is the policy of this Command to conduct effective sales promotion programs that sup- port the Army recruiting mission. The National Convention/Exhibit Program is a sales promotion acti- vity that can, with proper emphasis, appreciably enhance the recruiting effort. USAREC participation in civilian sponsored conventions/exhibitions provides our recruiting managers a dynamic forum and unique opportunity to meet , in a concentrated period of time , key decision makers , centers of influence (COI), opinion leaders, and prospects. - pdf


By In Art Against War 5403 downloads


War ChildWar Child continues to use the enormous support it receives from the media, music and entertainment industries to raise, not only much needed funds, but also public awareness of the daily struggle for survival facing children in war zones.

Music Artists are a vital part of our work. They help improve the lives of war-affected children by generating awareness and raising vital funds. Most importantly, they demonstrate how it is possible for each and every person to make a difference.

default Artists Respond: American Art and the Vietnam War, 1965–1975 Popular

By In Art Against War 638 downloads

Artists Respond: American Art and the Vietnam War, 1965–1975

Smithsonian - By the late 1960s, the United States was in pitched conflict both in Vietnam, against a foreign power, and at home—between Americans for and against the war, for and against the status quo. Artists Respond: American Art and the Vietnam War, 1965–1975 presents art created amid this turmoil, spanning the period from President Lyndon B. Johnson’s fateful decision to deploy U.S. ground troops to South Vietnam in 1965 to the fall of Sài Gòn ten years later.

Artists Respond is the most comprehensive exhibition to examine the contemporary impact of the Vietnam War on American art. The exhibition is unprecedented in its historical scale and depth. It brings together nearly 100 works by fifty-eight of the most visionary and provocative artists of the period. Galvanized by the moral urgency of the Vietnam War, these artists reimagined the goals and uses of art, affecting developments in multiple movements and media: painting, sculpture, printmaking, performance, installation, documentary art, and conceptualism. This exhibition presents both well-known and rarely discussed works, and offers an expanded view of American art during the war, introducing a diversity of previously marginalized artistic voices, including women, African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans. The exhibition makes vivid an era in which artists endeavored to respond to the turbulent times and openly questioned issues central to American civic life.

pdf ASVAB Answer Sheet Popular

By In ASVAB Testing 7510 downloads

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ASVAB Privacy Act statement.pdf

This three-page ASVAB form, (DD Forrm 1304-5AS is in use in most of the nation's high schools.  The Privacy Act Statement requires students to relinquish their personal information.  The answer sheet indicates where students must fill in their social security numbers.

pdf ASVAB Counselor Manual Popular

By In ASVAB Testing 9320 downloads

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This manual is offered by the military to high school counselors. It contains, among other things, the hard-to-find information about recruiter release options. It does not, however, explain exactly how to exercise those options in the outline of steps to take when scheduling the ASVAB at a school.

pdf ASVAB Memo, NLG Los Angeles Popular

By In ASVAB 5756 downloads

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pdf ASVAB Regulations Popular

By In ASVAB 5788 downloads

USMEPCOM Regulation 601-4, November 13, 2006
Personnel Procurement
Student Testing Program

pdf ASVAB Student Test Record - USMEPCOM Form 601-4-3-R-E Popular

By In ASVAB Testing 8162 downloads

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ASVAB - Student Test Record.pdf

This form is used by ASVAB test proctors to record data regarding the administration of the ASVAB.  It is not filled out by school personnel. Notice there's a column for information pertaining to the proctor and the "Responsible Recruiter," as well as a section to indicate the recruiter release option. In practice, if a school has not communicated a chosen option, it will be option 1 by default.  The form also provides a category for reporting whether the test is mandatory for students in selected grades. USMEPCOM Regulation 601.4 states that DOD personnel are prohibited from suggesting to school officials that the test be made mandatory.

pdf ASVAB Test Request Form Popular

By In ASVAB Testing 7007 downloads

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Unofficial forms like this are created by individual Military Entrance Processing Stations to gather test scheduling information from local schools. Military regulations do not refer to any such form or require that such a form be used; consequently, they are not used in every region and can differ in content. For example, compare this ASVAB Test Request Form to one that was presented to Prince George's County Public Schools in Maryland (list separately in this document section). This form allows school officials to select Option 8, which precludes ASVAB test results from reaching military recruiters, but the list of options on the Prince George's County form did NOT include Option 8!

pdf ASVAB: Spin v. Facts Popular

By In ASVAB 5285 downloads

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ASVAB Spin v. Facts.pdf

This is a remarkbale, brief analysis of the ASVAB done by the "Learning Not Recruiting" group in Toledo, Ohio.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.

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The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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