Proposal to Make Draft Registration Mandatory for a Driver’s License Moves through the California Legislature
LETTERS TO SENATE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! California’s large population has one of the lowest Selective Service registration rates in the country, which helps make a return to the draft less likely. Selective Service, however, is asking the California state legislature to boost registration compliance by making it mandatory in order to receive a California driver’s license. This proposal, which failed on five previous occasions, recently passed the state Assembly. It is now being considered by the state Senate.
Proposed by Assemblymember Rocky Chávez (R-Oceanside), Assembly Bill 2201 seeks to use DMV records to automatically register males with Selective Service when they apply for a license or license renewal. It is now waiting to for a hearing by the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee.
ACTION CALIFORNIANS CAN TAKE: Immediately send letters to the Transportation and Housing Committee. We’ve included a set of updated talking points to consider when writing to legislators. NOTE: Send faxes, if possible, since regular mail is now slowed by capitol security checks. Write to:
Senate Transportation and Housing Committee
State Capitol, Room 2209
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone (916) 651-4121, fax (916) 445-2209
Note that messages sent to the above will be seen by key committee staff.