For a list of all workshops and presenters with biographical information, click here.
HANDOUTS: If you are planning to hand out hard copy materials or show a video or Power Point, please email us electronic copies of your documents (PDF, Word-compatible or Power Point files) and/or links to the video you plan to use. We can post a limited number of these on the NNOMY site so people can access them if they were not able to attend your workshop. Email documents and/or links to Project YANO, including your name and the workshop title: projyano(at) PLEASE send us ONLY materials that are used in your workshop--not other materials or links.
PHOTOCOPYING: If you are not able to photocopy handouts for workshops ahead of time, there are commercial copy shops in the vacinity of Roosevelt University. Ask for directions at the conference check-in table.
EQUIPMENT: If you have special equipment needs for your workshop and have not already notified our host, Chicago AFSC, please do so immediately: 312-427-2533, DGramigna(at)
LAPTOPS: If you are planning to bring your own laptop to connect to in-room projectors (good idea), please let AFSC know if it is a PC or Mac so the right connectors will be available.