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By Super User In General Counter-recruitment information Tagged in alternatives, counter-recruiting, militarism 75 downloads

The Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project formed in the spring of 2004 and disbanded in April of 2021. We are people that live and work in the northwest suburbs. Many of us have or had children in the public schools. As parents and community members we are concerned about the role of the military in our schools.
Through our personal connections we have gained access to several local high schools. We set up a table in the commons area during the lunch periods and talk to the students about their options. Our purpose is not to talk the students out of joining the military. We are not anti-military. We simply want to make sure that our young people have thought through what they are doing. At the same time, we engage the students in discussions about what is going on in the world; the role of the United States in world affairs. We believe the strength of a democracy lies in all its citizens actively engaged in what's going on.