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Tagged in: counter-recruitment

Showing documents tagged with counter-recruitment. Show all

pdf "My Education for Peace" Community Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 2426 downloads

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The "My Education for Peace" document is available for printing and distribution to encourage public knowledge of this campaign for students and educators who support a peace framework in their beliefs and to form a community of networking and support.



By Tagged in counter-recruitment, draft-registration, Ed-Code-69400, Ed-Code-69433.9, Ed-Code-69618.1, financial-aid, selective-service 730 downloads

Download (pdf, 88 KB)

Call to repeal law on SSS registration and Calif financial aid_4.pdf

default Anti-War & Pro-Peace Resources Database Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, demilitarization, guides, peace-database 1350 downloads

Anti-War & Pro-Peace Resources Database

We’ve compiled this database of useful resources of our own and links to those found elsewhere, and created this system to help you find them. Are you looking for tools for creating events, or for information on a particular topic? Make your choice(s) under Topics below. Are you wanting to find videos, or books, or flyers, or articles, or ... choose the Type(s) of resources you want below. And if you only want results in a particular language, make that choice too. Let us know how you like this new system!

pdf Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing Popular

By Tagged in back-to-school, counter-recruitment, demilitarization 8633 downloads

Download (pdf, 339 KB)



The Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing is a catalog of basic material useful to educating young people and school personnel about the realities of military enlistment and war. The catalog also includes some information on alternatives to enlistment, as well as items written for organizers seeking to reach out to local schools. All of the material in this catalog was carefully reviewed for relevancy and accuracy as of the January of 2024.  

A task force of knowledgeable organizers did the research. It does not include all of the available literature on  this topic because much of what exists is out of date or is no longer being produced by the original sources.

Consequently, we focused on identifying items that we felt were basic and most useful for effective organizing  and educating. New items may be added to future kits as they become available.


It’s very simple: Read the descriptions in the catalog and then go to the links that are listed to view or download documents that are relevant o your local organizing. In some cases, you will be able to reprint them for local reproduction; or, you will be able to order copies in bulk if they are offered by the original source.

NOTE: If you wish to print the catalog, be sure to choose the landscape setting in your print menu (i.e., horizontal).


The catalog groups items into various subject categories:

  • Counter-recruitment
  • Non-military Career, College and Service Alternatives
  • Gender and the Military
  • Delayed Entry Program (DEP)
  • Privacy  (Opt Out Forms/ ASVAB etc.)
  • Resources for Organizers
  • Contact Information


Who Distributes the Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing:



Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/stopkidsgoingtowar

Revised 01/08/2024 - GDG

default Counter Recruitment Inside Schools | Internet Archive Popular

By Tagged in career-fairs, counter-recruitment, peace-club, tabling 948 downloads

What you can do to reach and educate students at the individual school level. Tactics discussed include leafleting, career fairs, peace clubs, tabling, speakers’ bureaus, peace camps and other ideas.

pdf Counter-recruitment: Inside Out Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 3610 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.02 MB)


Counter-recruitment: Inside Out

Counter-recruitment Inside Out, is a compilation of articles authored during the last 12 years by activists and researchers, offering an analysis of counter-recruitment practices. It also seeks strategies for improving its effectiveness in persuading the youth to take a harder look at military enlistment, and to develop a more informed view of the motivations behind their government's wars. With the advent of militarized gaming and the increase of movie and television militainment influencing young minds and legitimizing state violence, counter-recruiters need to develop more nuanced methods of directing young people towards alternatives to militarization.

pdf Countering Military Recruitment: Learning the lessons of counter-recruitment campaigns internationally Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruiting, counter-recruitment, military-recruitment, WRI 1097 downloads

Download (pdf, 8.52 MB)


Countering Military Recruitment: Learning the lessons of counter-recruitment campaigns internationally

WRI's booklet, Countering Military Recruitment: Learning the lessons of counter-recruitment campaigns internationally, is out now. The booklet includes examples of campaigning against youth militarisation across different countries with the contribution of grassroot activists.

You can order a paperback version here (link is external).

pdf Despojando a nuestra juventud de la máquina de guerra: una guía para contrarrestar y resistir la militarización de la juventud Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, jrotc, recruitment 2290 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.58 MB)


Despojando a nuestra juventud de la máquina de guerra: una guía para contrarrestar y resistir la militarización de la juventud

En cooperación con la campaña Desinversión de la máquina de guerra de Codepink, The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth contribuye con esta guía para desmilitarizar nuestras escuelas del alcance de una disposición de la Ley de éxito de todos los niños que permite el acceso sin restricciones a reclutadores militares en nuestras escuelas . Esta guía instruye a los activistas sobre cómo presionar a los distritos escolares para que sigan las pautas de igualdad de acceso y para organizar comunidades, padres, maestros y estudiantes para limitar el acceso de los reclutadores a sus escuelas.

Gran parte del contenido de esta Guía de campaña de desinversión se toma prestada con el permiso de la Red Nacional de Oposición a la Militarización de la Juventud (NNOMY), la Coalición Nacional para Proteger la Privacidad de los Estudiantes, Dejar de Reclutar Niños y Guardar la Educación Civil. Les estamos extremadamente agradecidos por contribuir con su visión y experiencia a este movimiento. Para obtener más información sobre el trabajo de NNOMY, visite http://nnomy.org/index.php/en/. Para proteger el trabajo de la privacidad del estudiante, visite http://www.studentprivacy.org/. Para obtener más información sobre Stop Recruiting Kids, visite: http://srkcampaign.org/. Para obtener más información sobre el trabajo de Save Civilian Education, visite http://savecivilianeducation.org/.

pdf Full Spectrum Counter-Recruitment Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, recruitment 2321 downloads

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Full Spectrum Counter-recruitment Final2.pdf

Full Spectrum Counter-Recruitment

The Full Spectrum Counter-Recruitment PDF examines efforts to demilitarize public schools and end the flow of new warriors by modernizing counter recruitment efforts to oppose military tactics to use digital and online gaming platforms to reach kids. This document was prepared for a Veterans For Peace Online Convention workshop and is publically available as a resource.

audio Give Peace A Chance Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, WBAI 973 downloads

Give Peace A Chance

Synopsis: The World Can't Wait and We Are Not Your Soldiers Special features a vet's visit to a NY community college peace studies class.  It's wonderful. Listen!

Hosted by: The World Can't Wait

In an effort to further understanding, the peace group, The World Can't has been visiting schools throughout our area with veterans to talk about the experience of being in the military and its aftermath. Recently the World Can’t Wait visited a Human Rights Study class at Nassau Community College out on Long Island.

They were kind enough to share the hour with WBAI Radio. Miles Megaciph of We Are Not Your Soldiers spoke often poignantly of his time in the Marines, including when he was stationed in Guantanamo and Okinawa. The students raise interesting questions and make some heartfelt comments. With Stephanie Rugoff.

pdf Guide to banning school marksmanship training 04 05 18 Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, jrotc, marksmanship, militarism, shooting 3824 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.78 MB)


Guide to banning school marksmanship training 04 05 18

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY), in collaboration with Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities - Project YANO,, has developed a new resource called, Guide to Removing Marksmanship Training from High Schools. This guide documents the process and strategies learned by the Education Not Arms Coalition comprised of students, teachers, and parents that successfully lobbied the San Diego California City school board for the removal of Shooting Ranges from eleven high schools in 2009 and adopting a zero-tolerance policy for marksmanship training in their school district. 

NNOMY recommends this proven strategy for organizing a campaign for the removal of marksmanship training on a school district level thus accomplishing an important aspect of school demilitarization.

Here are some of the accomplishments of the Education Not Arms Coalition strategy:

  • School Board Votes to End Weapons Training in their school district.
  • Marine Corps JROTC at one San Diego school fell so low that the unit was eventually forced to leave.
  • Shooting ranges from eleven high schools in the San Diego school  district were closed in 2009

pdf Military Recruiting in the United States Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 1642 downloads

Download (pdf, 9.35 MB)


  • Author : Pat Elder
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2016-12-08
  • Genre: Uncategoriezed
  • Pages : 260
  • ISBN 10 : 1540353753

Military Recruiting in the United States Book Description :

Military Recruiting in the United States provides a fearless and penetrating description of the deceptive practices of the U.S. military as it recruits American youth into the armed forces. Long-time antiwar activist Pat Elder exposes the underworld of American military recruiting in this explosive and consequential book. The book describes how recruiters manage to convince youth to enlist. It details a sophisticated psy-ops campaign directed at children. Elder describes how the military encourages first-person shooter games and places firearms into the hands of thousands using the schools, its JROTC programs, and the Civilian Marksmanship Program to inculcate youth with a reverence for guns. Previously unpublished investigative work reveals how indoor shooting ranges in schools are threatening the health of children and school staff through exposure to lead particulate matter. The book provides a kind of "what's coming next manual" for European peacemakers as they also confront a rising tide of militarism. The book examines the disturbing, nurturing role of the Catholic Church in recruiting youth. It surveys the wholesale military censorship of Hollywood films, pervasive military testing in the high schools, and an explosion of military programs directed toward youth.

pdf Military Recruitment in Western Massachusetts High Schools 2019 Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, Massachusetts 1143 downloads

Download (pdf, 3.45 MB)


Military Recruitment in Western Massachusetts High Schools 2019

For the past four years, TRC has published an annual report recording the involvement of the U.S. military in Western Massachusetts high schools. We started compiling data on military recruitment in 2012 by sending simple, one page requests to public high schools for information about the frequency of recruiter involvement. These went ignored by most schools. After submitting our inquiries in the form of Massachusetts Public Records Act requests, we received more responses. Responses collected between 2012-2015 were compiled into the first edition of Military Recruitment in Western Massachusetts High Schools. We repeated the process of submitting public record requests to schools to obtain information for the 2015-2016 School Year and the 2016-2017 School Year, which were compiled into the second and third edition respectively.

pdf National Call Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 4198 downloads

Download (pdf, 192 KB)


National Call

Download, read, and distribute
the National Call to respond to
increasing military, corporate
and conservative influence in
our public schools.

2022 version

audio NNOMY Communications Staff Person talks about NNOMY on KZFR Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 945 downloads

NNOMY Communications Staff Person talks about NNOMY on KZFR

Peace and Social Justice / KZFR - Gary Ghirardi, the Communications Staff Person, working out of the NNOMY national office at the San Diego Peace Campus in California, speaks about military counter-recruitment, past and present, on the Peace and Social Justice series of KZFR Community Radio in the Northern Sacramento Valley

24:00 minutes

default NNOMY Social Media Archive

By Tagged in antiwar, counter-recruitment, social-media 46 downloads

NNOMY Social Media Archive

Graphic resources designed for social media platforms. Some of these graphics are sharable in perpetuity while others are no longer valid. Check the comments on each graphic for a read advisement. To download, click on the chosen graphic and when it opens large scale, right click with your mouse and save to your computer. If the graphic is sharable select the accompanying text, including hash tags and link, and past use on your social media platform. (Click on the DOWNLOAD BUTTON to access the Social Media Archive. The links below go to information pages on the subjects themselves)

The images are a catalog based on multiple themes related to counter-recruitment categories and anti-war issues such as the following:






  • Famous Peacemakers


  • General Counter-militarism Messaging
  • General Counter-recruitment Messaging
  • Geofencing





  • QR Code Campaigning (New for 2024 in Support of Revised front door Website for NNOMY)







There is also a section on this website called "https://nnomy.org/socialmediaoutreach/" and its Social Media Resources by Category or Campaign:

These images can be clicked on to initiate an automatic Facebook Share but you still need to copy and paste the accompanying support text, hashtags and link to add to your share.




pdf Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project Popular

By Tagged in Chicago, counter-recruitment, Illinois 1150 downloads

Download (pdf, 2.26 MB)

NWSUBPEP Blog2.pdf

Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project

The Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project formed in the spring of 2004. We all lived and worked in the community. Many of us had children in the public schools. As parents and community members we were concerned about the role of the military in our schools. This became very clear in the run-up to the Iraq war. The government was beating the drums of war and the military recruiters were all over the high schools trying to recruit young people. We felt the need to offer an alternative view.

District 214 is the second largest high school district in the state of Illinois. It includes the suburbs of Elk Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, Arlington Heights, Wheeling, Mt Prospect, Prospect Heights and Buffalo Grove. There are six high schools. Together this includes about 12,000 students.

Starting in 2004 until 2019 we set up a table in the commons area in each high school usually once a month. We talked to the students; offered career alternatives; and tried to raise their awareness of the militarism in society. We often had a theme centered on a particular event – e.g. International Day of Peace, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day. We produced a zine which included submissions from District 214 students. And we hosted public events.

We had been losing members over the years. None of us have children or grandchildren in any D214 schools any longer. Then in 2019 the school district essentially made the decision for us by implementing a new policy which restricts all outside groups to one visit/semester. Although there were slight differences in how the policy was administered between the six high schools, it was a game changer for us. To be clear, the same policy applied to the military. In fact there was a rumor that the policy came about by a parent angry about the presence of recruiters at the school with free access to the students. Then the pandemic hit and access to students was limited. At that point we decided to disband. Our blog, which we started in 2010, follows.

Libby Frank June 2021

pdf Recruitment, counter-recruitment and critical military studies Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, critical, feminist, geopolitics, militarism, military, recruitment, sociology 1005 downloads

Download (pdf, 439 KB)

Recruitment counter recruitment and critical military studies.pdf

Recruitment, counter-recruitment and critical military studies

Despite constituting the formal mechanism by which states and militaries persuade and enrol their personnel, military recruitment is poorly understood in the social and political sciences. Tied either to a normative and partisan sociology which aims to provide applied solutions for recruitment and retention programmes, or subsumed under a broad banner, by critical scholars, of a global ‘cultural condition’ of militarisation, studies of recruitment lack the rigour they should be afforded. In exploring these issues, the paper offers a vision of critical military studies which takes seriously the efforts of counter-military recruiting activist and protest movements in the US and UK. Counter-recruitment activism is billed as the most practical way to resist policies of militarism and militarisation. In promoting locally situated, practical solutions to the effects of militarised cultures (often as part of activism in schools), it aims to expose the relationship between, and acts to correct, both local and global injustices. In reviewing the practical and conceptual basis for counter-recruiting strategies, and speaking to broader movements in feminist scholarship on militarisation, the paper demonstrates the importance of critical studies of military recruitment, and in so doing, argues for a critical military studies which is situated amidst the people and places militarism affects.

pdf Report: Best Practices for Social Media Campaigning for Social Justice Organizing Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, social-media, virtual-activism 1370 downloads

Download (pdf, 4.47 MB)


Report: Best Practices for Social Media Campaigning for Social Justice Organizing

The Best Practices for Social Media Campaigning for Social Justice Organizing report covers the basic recommendations of how to use the big three social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with an emphasis on promoting social justice issues tailored for counter military recruiting.

default The Nuts and Bolts of Pursuing Policy Changes to Counter Recruitment and Demilitarize Schools | Internet Archive Popular

By Tagged in ASVAB, counter-recruitment, jrotc, school-policy 1175 downloads

Are you troubled by frequent recruiter visits, ASVAB testing or JROTC in your schools? Are you having difficulty gaining equal school access to counter military recruiting? This workshop covers ways that activists have successfully approached these problems at the policy level. It’s been done in some of the largest school districts in the country (e.g., NY City, L.A., Chicago, San Diego), and at the state level in some cases. The policy approach is another powerful tool that can be useful for having an impact beyond individual school visits. The presentation reviews successful methods as well as some of the challenges organizers have encountered.

Image Thinking of Joining the Military QR Palm Card Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruiting, counter-recruitment 338 downloads

Download (jpg, 2.78 MB)


Thinking of Joining the Military QR Palm Card


Print and Cut counter-recruitment palm card good for leafleting in front of schools or for tabling.
Four QR Codes link to the following documents from activist resource sites as follows:

1. Do You Know Enough to Enlist? - American Friends Service Committee (2013)
2. The Military's Not Just a Job - War Resisters League (2023)
3. What Every Young Woman Should Know About the Military - War Resisters League (2022)
4. Thinking of Enlisting? Think Again - NNOMY - (2022)


default Using Equal Access to Counter Militarism in High Schools | Internet Archive Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, equal-access 1277 downloads

Report on Project YANO’s efforts to gain access to schools in San Diego County from 1984 to 1995 (updated 7/06). Discusses outreach strategies, legal basis for equal access, lessons learned by activists. Key correspondence with school districts is included in appendix. Very useful for getting a school outreach program started.

pdf What Every Young Woman Should Know About the Military Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruiting, counter-recruitment, military-recruitment, Women 1968 downloads

Download (pdf, 11.03 MB)

Brochure30Jun22 Ver.pdf

What Every Young Woman Should Know About the Military


Versión en español

A Brochure for Young Women Thinking About Joining the Military | 2022

"When I joined, I knew that women in the military faced an uphill battle, but I didn't fully understand how serious the issues were and how reluctant leadership is to doing anything about it.

The truth is that there's a culture of harassment and assault that is incredibly harmful to all troops, but especially to gender minorities."
Brittany Ramos DeBarros

Version: June 27, 2022

QR Code for bit.ly/3xmnuZB

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.

Gonate time or money to demilitarize our public schools



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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