NNOMY News 1041: February 1 2020: Visiting Counter-recruitment Groups around the Internet


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NNOMY News 1041: February 1 2020: Visiting Counter-recruitment Groups around the Internet

This issue of NNOMYnews, we visit Counter-recruitment groups from the NNOMY community of activists and check-in to see what they are sharing on their social media.




Is High School Too Soon for Military Recruitment?

Resistance Center for Peace and Justice - Each year, high school students across the country see uniformed members of the armed forces within school walls offering information on how to join up. But a local organization asks the question whether these soldiers are overselling a dangerous career path to an audience whose brains are still developing.

The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice, a Northampton nonprofit, has published three editions of a report called “Military Recruitment in Western Massachusetts High Schools,” which authors claim to be the first record of military recruitment activity in the region’s schools. Authors accuse recruiters of emphasizing financial and travel incentives while downplaying the risks of psychological disorders, job insecurity, and sexual trauma.

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Visit Winsted Area Peace Action

From Winsted Area Peace Action (WAPA) Facebook





Talk of War

Niveditha Bala and Lincoln Byrd Generation Next  - Earlier this month, the crisis in Iran sparked speculation about the possibility of a new world war that could result in a draft, and the Selective Service and international relations since have become popular subjects. In order to better understand this issue, Generation Next interviewed four people — one from an anti-war organization and three veterans. Answers have been edited for length and style.

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Visit Long Beach Area Peace Network

From Long Beach Area Peace Network Facebook




Airman Challenge

Shared from the Demilitarize Our Schools Facebook Group - “It is truly disgusting, immoral, and arguably illegal in that it is recruitment or pre-recruitment of underage children to participate in murder. It is part of the normalization of murder that we have been living through,” he told MintPress News.

David Swanson, director of the anti-war movement World Beyond War, and the author of War is a Lie.

Go to Airman Challenge Page





Visit Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities

From Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities Facebook





Visit Maine Youth and Militarism Project

From Maine Youth and Militarism Project Website





Visit Pat Alviso

From Pat Alviso Facebook





Helping Students Keep Their Humanity by Not Signing Up for War

We Are Not Your Soldiers - The veterans share their own personal stories of how they were affected by their time in the military, bringing another vision of these wars in which so many have been sacrificed by losing their lives and/or their humanity. And, they address the effects on the peoples of the countries under attack and what has happened when social structures have been destroyed. Not many veterans can do this.

Speaking openly of such experiences is very difficult and can open raw wounds –  which is why even those students with veterans in their family or close circles have not heard much of what comes out in these discussions. Many veterans confront either denial or shame in revealing information contrary to the beliefs of those who "thank them for their service," an issue for so many dealing with post-traumatic stress.

We are very grateful to these speakers who share their lives.  They struggle to do this in order to help others avoid the trauma they have suffered and to avoid the horrific violence being aimed at so many others around the world.

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Parent Teacher Conference Night – March 7, 2019

Barbara Harris / Granny Peace Brigade NYC = March 7th was a freezing evening, but it did not stop volunteers from going to high schools on Parent Teacher Conference night. We were at 14 high schools throughout NYC prepared to provide families with non-military informational flyers. One addresses Options for Life After High School and the second focuses on Questions to Ask/ Points to Consider in connection with military recruitment outreach in high schools. As parents enter the building anxious to speak with their child’s teacher, they are presented with this information and perhaps a brief comment.

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Visit What Everyone Should Know Before Joining the Military

From What Everyone Should Know Before Joining the Military Facebook





Visit On Earth Peace

From On Earth Peace Facebook



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Please Donate to fund counter-recruitment nationally

Help Fund NNOMY to De-Militarize SchoolsHelp Fund NNOMY to De-Militarize Schools. Your donation to NNOMY supports the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth's efforts to balance the message of military recruiters in our public schools where minors are routinely primed for recruitment through Department of Defense school programs designed for youth.

Making a financial contribution supports NNOMY's national demilitarization work with activist organizations inside middle and high schools.

Click to Make Your Donation

(Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.) through our fiscal sponsor Alliance for Global Justice. Make sure you select from the causes list, The National Network Opposing he Militarization of Youth (NNOMY), or make a check out to:"NNOMY/AFGJ" and mail it to: AFGJ, 225 E. 26th St. Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713

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The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY). 2019


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