
Folder Audio Reports

Interviews and audio essays on CR issues and military recruitment.


audio Audio from May 14th War Resisters event in Watsonville Popular

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Iraq combat veterans, Agustin Aguayo and Camilo Mejia, were joined by fellow war resisters Pablo Paredes and Robert Zabala at a series of Northern California events May 9-18. One of the stops included Watsonville where the 4 men spoke in local high school class rooms and on local station KUSP 88.9 FM in the morning and at the First Presbyterian Church that evening. Read more

audio Give Peace A Chance Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment, WBAI 1004 downloads

Give Peace A Chance

Synopsis: The World Can't Wait and We Are Not Your Soldiers Special features a vet's visit to a NY community college peace studies class.  It's wonderful. Listen!

Hosted by: The World Can't Wait

In an effort to further understanding, the peace group, The World Can't has been visiting schools throughout our area with veterans to talk about the experience of being in the military and its aftermath. Recently the World Can’t Wait visited a Human Rights Study class at Nassau Community College out on Long Island.

They were kind enough to share the hour with WBAI Radio. Miles Megaciph of We Are Not Your Soldiers spoke often poignantly of his time in the Marines, including when he was stationed in Guantanamo and Okinawa. The students raise interesting questions and make some heartfelt comments. With Stephanie Rugoff.

audio LAUSD Moves to Protect Student Information Popular

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GUESTS: Arlene Inouye, Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools, Pat Elder, Peace Action Montgomery Anti-recruitment activists are hailing the recent announcement by the Los Angeles Unified School District of a new policy to better protect students’ personal information from the military. The policy is the result of discussions with teachers and the ACLU.

default Law and Disorder August 2, 2021 - Project YANO, JROTC, and Textbook Project Popular

By Tagged in jrotc, military-recruitment, YANO 1037 downloads

Law and Disorder August 2, 2021 - Project YANO, JROTC, and Textbook Project

The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, or JROTC, is a federal program sponsored by the US Armed Forces in high schools and some middle schools across the nation and at US military bases globally. It currently teaches its lessons to more than half a million students in approximately 3,400 high schools nationwide.

In recent years, the military and its supporters have been promoting the idea of a significant increase in the number of high schools with JROTC—one proposal calls for expanding up to 6,000. Because of this, one nonprofit decided it was time to examine the textbooks used in JROTC classes to see what they are teaching.

The Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities, or Project YANO, is a counter-recruitment organization founded in 1984 and based in San Diego country. It released its findings in early July. Their reviewers have backgrounds in classroom teaching or education activists, or special knowledge of subjects JROTC claims to address, such as civil rights, violence prevention, leadership methods, and world history. Team members included current and retired high school teachers, military veterans, and a documentary film producer.

Guest – Rick Jahnkow, a co-founder and board member of Project YANO. Rick worked for 34 years as the organization’s full-time program coordinator. He has researched and organized around the issues of military recruiting, high school Jr. ROTC, and the general militarization of K-12 schools.

default Law and Disorder January 9, 2023 - Junior ROTC In High Schools: Pressure To Join Popular

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Law and Disorder January 9, 2023 - Junior ROTC In High Schools: Pressure To Join

On her first day of high school, Andreya Thomas and several other freshmen at Detroit’s Pershing High School learned they were enrolled in a class called J.R.O.T.C., or Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. School administrators told them the program was mandatory.

Funded by the U.S. military, the program required students to wear military uniforms in class, recite patriotic declarations, and obey orders from an instructor who often yelled at them. When several tried to drop the class, school officials refused permission, even though the Pentagon says that requiring students to take the programs runs counter to its guidelines. The New York Times recently learned that thousands of public-school students were enrolled in J.R.O.T.C. either as a requirement or through automatic enrollment. Most of the schools with high enrollment numbers were attended largely by nonwhite students and those from low-income households.

Critics of Junior ROTC say that the program’s militaristic discipline prioritizes obedience over independence and critical thinking. And as we reported earlier on Law and Disorder, and now noted by the Times, the program’s textbooks often rewrite or downplay the failings of the U.S. government. With its concentration in schools with low-income and nonwhite students, some claim J.R.O.T.C. encourages students to enlist in the military rather than explore other routes to college or jobs in the civilian economy.

Guest – Rick Jahnkow works for two San Diego-based anti-militarist organizations, the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities, or YANO, and the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft. We spoke earlier with Rick about YANO’s J.R.O.T.C. textbook review project.

Hosted by Attorneys Heidi Boghosian, Marjorie Cohn and Julie Hurwitz

default Making Contact - The New Face of Military Recruiting Popular

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Stretched to supply the manpower to fight two wars, the US military has stepped up efforts to recruit teenagers and young adults.  Videogames, social networks, and the schools themselves are all fertile soil for Pentagon recruiters.  On this edition, guest host Anna Sussman hosts a roundtable discussion about the new face of military recruiting, and counter-recruiting efforts taking place. 


Sandra Schwartz, American Friends Service Committee San Francisco Peace Education Coordinator; David Ledesma, One Voice Executive Director; Sokthy Mean, Bay-Peace counter recruiter.

audio NNOMY Communications Staff Person talks about NNOMY on KZFR Popular

By Tagged in counter-recruitment 971 downloads

NNOMY Communications Staff Person talks about NNOMY on KZFR

Peace and Social Justice / KZFR - Gary Ghirardi, the Communications Staff Person, working out of the NNOMY national office at the San Diego Peace Campus in California, speaks about military counter-recruitment, past and present, on the Peace and Social Justice series of KZFR Community Radio in the Northern Sacramento Valley

24:00 minutes

audio Pat Elder - National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth Popular

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Well known in the national peace and justice scene, Pat has been organizing resistance to the Bush administration’s wars since 2001. Based in the DC area, Pat works with a wide range of groups, attempting to confront the militarization of the nation’s high schools. Pat Elder serves on the Coordinating Committee of the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth, NNOMY.

audio Rockin' the Boat: UCSC Counter-recruitment protest Popular

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On April 5, some 300 students and community members held a raucous demonstration at the UC Santa Cruz campus, where US military recruiters had a booth at the school's Job and Internship fair.

audio Silicon Valley De-Bug Interviews Dave Ledesma Popular

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Block to block speaks with Dave Ledesma from South Bay Mobilization -- An anti-war organization and Think First -- a program that does counter-recruitment to high school students about enlisting in the military.

audio Student Against the War Counter-recruitment Protest Santa Cruz Popular

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This is an interview with David, a member of Student Against the War, who organized the counter-recruitment protest. Interview was done as part of the Red X Show on Free Radio Santa Cruz (101.1 FM) Tuesdays, 6-8pm.

audio Talk Nation Radio: 3-Hour Military Test Secretly Administered in Thousands of High Schools Popular

By 5771 downloads

Pat ElderPat Elder of the National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy (StudentPrivacy.org) explains how the U.S. military gets away with requiring students in thousands of U.S. high schools to take a 3-hour career inventory test with the results going straight to recruiters without students' or parents' knowledge.

Total run time: 29:00

Host: David Swanson.

Producer: David Swanson.

Engineer: Christiane Brown.

Music by Duke Ellington..

Syndicated by Pacifica Network.

Revised 10/13/2017

audio The new urban militarism of local law enforcement in Western society Popular

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Mar. 13, 2012 - (AP/Mary Altaffer) - Occupy Wall Street protesters participate in a rally against police brutality in New York City.

Many observers were surprised and even shocked by police methods used to subdue various "Occupy" demonstrations across the U.S. and Europe. There seems to be increasing dependence on methods of local policing that is eerily similar to how western militaries behave in the battlefield.

We took a look yesterday at the city of Chicago’s exploding surveillance camera systems. Today, we broaden the discussion with a look at increased militarization of local law enforcement in Western-societies. Stephen Graham is professor of Cities and Society at Newcastle University in the U.K. He examines the increasing influence of military technology on domestic police forces in his book Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism.

Stephen Graham's interview comes ahead of a panel discussion tonight called "Chicago's Spy in the Sky." The panel is part of the Chicago History Museum’s “In the Know" series. It begins at 6:30pm on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at the Chicago History Museum. Rajiv Shah, who was on Worldview yesterday to talk about Chicago’s thousands of surveillance and smart cameras, will be on tonight's panel.

audio US pressed on military exam for high school students Popular

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AIRTALK - KPCC Southern Califormia Talk Radio - with Larry Mantle

Is US military recruitment misusing information on minors?

Questions are being asked about a key military recruitment tool used in the nation's high schools.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam is a series of tests designed to assess a child's suitability for various careers in the armed forces. However, a recent report by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child raised concerns about how the information gathered in these tests is used.

The U.N. has now asked the United States government to provide info


Pat Elder, director, National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy

Hal Kempfer
, retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel and CEO of KIPP knowledge and intelligence program professionals

audio Why We Say: Bring the Troops Home Now UPDATED (150.52 Kbytes) hot! Popular

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The brutality of what it means to occupy another country is on full display in Iraq even the mainstream press can't ignore the reality of life for ordinary Iraqis and for those standing up to join the resistance and kick the United States out of their country.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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