
Folder Documentaries/Films

Documentaries and films about counter-militarism.


default Arlington West (Archived) Popular

By 11986 downloads

Arlington West CoverThis is a must see film that will move most people to tears, whether they are peace activists, people who may have supported the war in Iraq or people who have been undecided. It features 105 interviews, mostly with young soldiers who have been to Iraq, who talk about their experiences there. – 74 minutes -   Order from AMAZON

default Before You Enlist Popular

By 9494 downloads

Before You Enlist Cover“Before You Enlist!” provides a rational voice to counter the seductive and often deceptive recruiting practices of the U.S. military. The message is not “don’t enlist” but rather to provide young people and their families a more complete picture of the life-altering consequences of joining the military – especially in wartime.  14 minutes

default Body of War Popular

By 7166 downloads

Body of War CoverBody of War, directed by Ellen Spiro and Phil Donahue, is a 2007 documentary following Tomas Young, an Iraq War veteran paralyzed from a bullet to the spine, on a physical and emotional journey as he adapts to his new body and begins to question the decision to go to war in Iraq. - Order From AMAZON

document Discussion guide to Purple Hearts DVD Popular

By 10841 downloads

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Purple Hearts CoverPhoto-journalist Nina Berman had the urge to find the wounded returned vets she was reading about in the newspaper, but not seeing pictures of. She discovered that her mental picture of a wounded soldier was one of a soldier being helped off the field by other soldiers, or being accompanied and tended to by a dr. or nurse -- leading to the feeling that the soldier was going to be all right, everything was OK.

What she found instead were acutely lonely men & women fighting the VA for benefits. She interviewed them and recorded the interviews as well as photographing them, and made a 10-minute dvd out of this material, featuring 6 of the 20 vets in the book.

Slide Show on Purple Hearts Project / NY Times

default Military Myths Popular

By 9876 downloads

Military Myths CoverA short video that focuses on youth of color and the racial/economic profiling politics behind recruitment. “‘Military Myths’ takes a critical look at the military’s promises of travel, money for education and job training. It considers how media representations of war and military life compare to the reality of war told by veterans who have actually been there. In addition, interviews with activists and students are presented along with statistics from the Veterans Administration, CCCO, SLDN, and recent Pentagon studies that lay clear the myths of military life.”  28 minutes

default Reveille! Reveille! Popular

By 7678 downloads

Reveille! Reveille! CoverReveille! Reveille! chronicles the Iraq Veterans Against the War in their earliest attempts to prevent further atrocities and regain their humanity.  These films follow this generation of veterans from their initial gathering to their stand at the gates of the White House, which resulted in the largest mass arrest by U.S. Park Police since the Vietnam War. Reveille! Reveille! is an eye-opening experience for anyone who has questions about the war.

default Sir No Sir! Popular

By 8659 downloads

Sir No Sir CoverThe film does four things: 1) Brings to life the history of the GI movement through the stories of those who were part of it; 2) Reveals the explosion of defiance that the movement gave birth to with never-before-seen archival material; 3) Explores the profound impact that movement had on the military and the war itself; and 4) The feature, 90 minute version, also tells the story of how and why the GI Movement has been erased from the public memory. -   Order from AMAZON

default Soldiers Speak Out Popular

By 12070 downloads

Soldiers Speak Out CoverSoldiers Speak Out is a powerful, first-hand testament to the reality of the military experience told entirely in the words of American veterans who have been to war and are now opposing it. We hear how they came to join the military, about their experiences in training and in war, and what led to the turning point when they decided they could no longer, in good conscience, participate in the war or keep silent. This half-hour documentary sheds light on the growing and courageous anti-war and anti-occupation movement within the military and their families, and serves as a counter-recruitment and organizing tool for activists, schools and organizations. It provides a sober view of the war in Iraq and an important counterpoint to the 'stay-the-course' rhetoric of the Bush administration.

default The Cost of War Popular

By 5772 downloads

The Cost of War offers only a brief glimpse of the war in Iraq and its incalculable human, personal, psychological and social costs, but it comes from a critical source - the perspective of those who have experienced war firsthand. In The Cost of War, Iraq war veterans recount their views prior to deployment, their experiences in Iraq, and how those experiences changed them. Families and loved ones of those called on to fight in Iraq recount how the experiences of their loved ones have affected those they left behind.

default The Ground Truth Popular

By 8967 downloads

The Ground Truth CoverThe filmmaker’s subjects are patriotic young Americans - ordinary men and women who heeded the call for military service in Iraq - as they experience recruitment and training, combat, homecoming, and the struggle to reintegrate with families and communities.  -  Order from AMAZON

default The true cost of the military-industrial complex. Popular

By 723 downloads

In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at the environmental and social cost of the military and militarism. I narrow in on the United States military-industrial complex because it is by far the biggest military machine in the world. I look at how the military and the military-industrial complex is a massive polluter in terms of both emissions and chemical waste. In addition, the video looks at whether or not these environmental and monetary burdens caused by the military-industrial complex are justified. Have the multitude of wars the United States has wage been just, or are they manifestations of imperialism. Ultimately, the video connects environmental destruction with military imperialism and concludes that demilitarization is the only truly effective answer to the carbon footprint of the military.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.

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The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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