NNOMY in the News

News articles reposted about NNOMY. Includes news reports about our work with associated groups and conferences.

US Navy's funding of high schools raises concerns

Mira Oberman -

Chicago military acadamiesChicago (AFP) - The first time Miguel Martinez visited a college campus, it was for a summer camp paid for by the US Navy, which is investing millions to improve public education and, ultimately, potential recruits.

While cash-strapped school districts are anxious for the help, critics contend that it comes at too high of a cost: the militarization of schools and the indoctrination of the young.

For Martinez, who hopes to be the first in his family to go to college, a science-focused camp at Purdue University was something his family never could have managed without the Navy’s help.

“It got me excited,” he told AFP. “It gave me an idea of what kinds of things I’d be doing.”

Martinez, 16, attends Rickover Naval Academy, a public high school in Chicago whose 508 students wear uniforms and take classes in military history and naval science taught by retired naval officers.

He hopes to get a military scholarship to college and sees enlisting as “one of my main options if engineering doesn't work out.”

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Cadets practice their formation on October 22, 2013 …
Cadets practice their formation on October 22, 2013 at Rickover Naval Academy, one of seven public h …

In the meantime, he gets to build robots after school in a Navy-sponsored club.

Public schools, run as military academies

The US military has been warning for years that the poor quality of public education – coupled with an obesity epidemic – is making it hard to find recruits with the skills needed for modern warfare.

That's a real problem for the Navy, where more than half of the service's engineers, weapons developers and other scientific professionals are eligible for retirement in the next seven years.

The Navy announced plans in 2011 to nearly double its budget for supporting science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education to more than $100 million a year by 2015.

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Cadets practice their formation on October 22, 2013 …
Cadets practice their formation on October 22, 2013 at Rickover Naval Academy in Chicago, Illinois ( …

The latest project is a $2 million partnership with the city of Chicago to enhance STEM education at seven public high schools by integrating curriculum developed by the Navy and supporting after-school enrichment and summer camps.

“A highly-trained STEM-capable workforce allows the Navy and Marine Corps to run our ships, fly our planes and design the next generation of war-fighting tools,” Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said on a recent tour of one of the chosen schools.

Chicago was a natural fit for the pilot project, which launched with a camp over the summer and in schools this fall.

The city already had six public high schools run as military academies, which enroll nearly 2,800 students, the largest contingent in the nation.

And with more than six applicants for every spot, it recently announced plans for a seventh that will combine middle and high school.

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Brianna Mendoza explains a chemistry equation on October …
Brianna Mendoza explains a chemistry equation on October 22, 2013 at Rickover Naval Academy in Chica …

The military-style options, with their emphasis on discipline and college prep, are seen as attractive in a city where many schools are disrupted by violence, dismal test scores and high drop out rates.

'They're lying to the public'

But critics say the military already has too much influence on American culture and shouldn’t be allowed to use schools and the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program that operates in more than 1,600 high schools to recruit children.

“They're lying to the public by saying this is about citizenship. It's about discipline,” said Jesus Palafox of the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth.

“It’s about trying to get soldiers into the military.”

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A banner urging schools to 'teach peace' hangs across …
A banner urging schools to 'teach peace' hangs across the street on October 22, 2013 from Rickover N …

School districts should be focused on providing children with a quality education so they don’t need to turn to the military as a way out of poverty, said Darlene Gramigna of the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker group that promotes peace.

“If people want to join, that's a choice,” she told AFP.

“They're creating a climate for young people where they feel the military is the only way for them to get an education.”

But Commander Mike Tooker insists that is absolutely not the case at Rickover.

“We discourage students from enlisting, because the whole point is college prep,” said Tooker, a retired pilot who is the school's military director.

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Cadets laugh while doing pushups on October 22, 2013 …
Cadets laugh while doing pushups on October 22, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois during formation at Rickov …

All 79 students who graduated from Rickover last year were accepted into at least one college or university. They were offered a total of $7.5 million in scholarships and financial aid – most of which did not come from the military, Tooker said.

Not all of them were able to attend college: many didn’t have the financial means, even with some aid. About four to eight students end up enlisting every year – which Tooker said is pretty standard for a school where 86 percent of the students are low income.

Tooker -- a genial man who runs a host of school clubs including sailing and public speaking -- compared the school’s five military instructors to the nuns and priests at a Catholic school who teach strong values to the students.

“We're constantly reminding the cadets what the proper, respectful thing is to do,” he explained.

The mayor’s office defended the military academies as one of many alternative programs used to provide the district's 400,000 students with good choices.

The city has already partnered with universities and major tech companies like Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, Verizon and Motorola to advance STEM education in the district.

“The grant from the Navy has just accelerated what we can do,” said Beth Swanson, the mayor's education deputy.

“They have an incredible amount of research in education and training in what happens in the Navy with their own personnel, and they’re able to adapt that to students in Chicago.”

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-navys-funding-high-schools-raises-concerns-222729015.html

See: Conversation with Rickover Cadets on Facebook


Military Recruitment in Our Schools- Students’ Rights and an NYCLU Guide

November 27, 2011

Peace and Justice Online - 11:12:05

High School Junior ROTCThe New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) reports, “The US Military is aggressively recruiting young people for military service.”  “Recruiters,” the NYCLU states, “often target immigrants, students from poor families and people of color.” The targeting of teens in low income and minority communities is an acknowledged and accepted practice, according to a former military recruiter with whom I spoke.

The military often assigns recruiters to meet with students at local high schools. Schools must allow this, by federal law, if they permit job or college recruiters to meet with students.

High schools routinely provide the military the names, addresses, birthdates, and telephone numbers of their students. This, too, is required by law.  However, students or their parents can choose to “opt-out,” preventing the school from providing this information.  Additionally, schools must inform students and parents of this right to opt-out.

Military recruiters wooing underage youth, activists condemn efforts

Source: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/article_6118.shtml

DeKalb County residents protest a proposed U.S Marine Corps academy during a school board meeting at Lakeside High School in Atlanta on June 1. The U.S. Marine Corps is wooing public school districts across the country, expanding a network of military academies that has grown steadily despite criticism that it's a recruiting ploy. AP Wide World Photo/Dorie TurnerTashawna Parker, 18, just graduated from Kenwood Academy on Chicago's south side. She can't wait to start classes at Northwestern University, where she will double-major in International Studies and Japanese Culture. But before she heads off to college, Ms. Parker plans on spending the summer working with the National Network Opposing Militarization of Youth.

A conference planned for Chicago from July 17-19, sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, will bring together activists from across the midwest to discuss strategies to combat Pentagon recruitment tactics—tactics aimed at children as young as 13, according to the activists.

Granny Peace Brigade has generated five years of anti-war activism

Granny Peace BrigadeWhoever coined the phrase "youth is wasted on the young" never met the members of Philadelphia’s Granny Peace Brigade. A group of spry seniors ranging in age from their mid-sixties to their mid- nineties, the women who comprise the Granny Peace Brigade engage in social activism with the kind of idealism typically reserved for the very young.

But that blend of idealism proves fitting when taking into consideration the Granny Peace Brigade’s main objection: protecting this country’s youth from becoming subscripted into the U.S. military and its involvement in Iraq and Afganahastan. "So many kids lose their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan for no reason," explained Granny Jean Haskell. That’s why the Grannies have successfully launched an Opt Out Program in the city’s public schools. Before the program took-off a few years ago, the Granny’s took issue with the fact that public schools gave the military its students contact information for recruitment purposes. Students do however have the option of telling school officials that they do not want their information passed along to the military through the Opt Out Program. But when the Granny’s approached Philadelphia School System Officials about participating in the Opt Out Program, they realized that the program might not be enough to protect kids from military enrollment.

Hundreds Attend National Counter Recruitment Conference

source: http://www.justicewithpeace.org/node/349

by Emily Pistell, Randy Forsberg Intern
Mass Peace Action Education Fund

David Morales, a recent graduate from Mission Bay High School in San Diego and activist in the Education Not Arms Coalition, walked to the stage in jeans, a baseball hat, and an old jacket with an image of Che Guevara stitched onto the back panel.  As Arlene Inouye from CAMS told the story of how he was denied the right to walk in his high school graduation because of absences due to his community organizing work, the 19-year-old exchanged his hat for a graduation cap.  Since he was not honored in his hometown, Morales graduated with a diploma and high honors in front of a standing ovation from a crowd of hundreds at the NNOMY Counter-Recruitment and Demilitarization Conference. 

The graduation of young David Morales was the beginning of a three day conference in Chicago, Illinois hosted by NNOMY (National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth) from July 17th to 19th, 2009.  At the Chicago AFSC office and Roosevelt University, hundreds of youth and adults gathered to build a movement of resistance to the ever-increasing militarization of American youth and the targeting of students of low-income neighborhoods for military recruitment. 

The NNOMY Conference brought together many activists and organizations as participants and educators.  There were representatives from the AFSC, Alternatives to the Military, Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS), War Resisters League, BAY-Peace, Peace Action, Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Truth 2 Youth, Center on Conscience and War, Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD), the Student Peace Action Network, among many other counter-recruitment groups. Over 40 states were represented, and the participants ranged from age thirteen to seventy.

The conference began with an opening panel called Education, Militarism, and Counter-Recruitment: Where We’ve Come From and Where We’re Going, in order to give a larger perspective on CR work.  On Saturday, NNOMY offered the conference participants 32 workshops to choose from with  a vast range of topics, from the basics of counter-recruitment work (Race Class and Culture in Counter Recruitment, CR Strategies, Intro to Organizing, Militarization of Education) to taking the movement further (Legislative Approaches to CR, Alternatives to the Military, College Recruitment).  Some of the most compelling workshops were those led by the high-school students who are currently leading their counter-recruitment efforts, including BAY-Peace from Oakland, Ya-Ya Network from New York City, CAMS from Los Angeles, and Educators Not Arms Coalition from San Diego.

Between all the workshops and panels, NNOMY left plenty of time for youth and adults to network with each other in order to build a national movement.  The final day of the conference was left for the participants to form informal caucuses to address specific regional and identity needs, in order to engage in future organizing and planning.  BAY-Peace and CAMS high school students met up with long-time activists to address issues of California, Ya-Ya Network and Veterans for Peace discussed counter recruitment on the east coast, and other regional activists found each other to share tactics and strategies. 

The conference ended on Sunday afternoon with a few words of reflection on the weekend.  The last speaker was a high school girl from Hawaii, who had traveled to Chicago with an educator from her school.  In tears, she expressed her appreciation for the conference, for her community faces its own particular struggle against the military.  The young students at the conference had inspired her to continue her activism, and now she returned to Hawaii with more materials and strategies that she had come with.  She shared the Hawaiian activist cry that translates to “fight on” in her native language, and hundreds of people dedicated to counter-recruitment echoed her words, from high school students to older veterans.  The movement was unified, if only for a moment, and the young girl from Hawaii found her struggle supported by hundreds of others.  She left, as did every other participant, with a wealth of materials, names, and an understanding that there is a growing movement of counter-recruitment in this country.

As Arlene Inouye wrote in the introduction to the NNOMY conference, “This weekend we’ll revitalize the engine of our network by closely examining the nuts and bolts of its most crucial moving parts.  We all have something to offer and all of us have more to learn.  Each of us is integral to this historic effort.”  The power of the conference lay in just that, in the ability for counter-recruitment to empower youth and to allow them to be the educators and experts in the movement.

At the conclusion of the conference, two goals were made clear by conference participants: to further the development of common CR resources and to increase training for CR local organizers.  After this weekend in Chicago, it seemed that all the participants were revitalized and inspired by the level and sophistication of counter-recruitment work going on across the country.

Learn more and get involved at:
NNOMY.org (National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth)

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



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Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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