Divest “Your Body” from the War Machine - English


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Divest “Your Body” from the War Machine | Winning The Peace: A National High School Intervention | 


The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth is asking American youth to divest of their bodies to U.S. militarism, regardless of their prior interest in the military, patriotic appeals by military recruiters, peer pressure, wanting to continue family tradition of service, or wishing to believe that benefits offered by military service will help them determine a direction for their lives.

We realize that this is a great sacrifice for many who are facing limited opportunities provided by our economy, or are not able to pay for a college education at this time to move their lives forward. For NNOMY, this is a moral appeal to not risk harm to innocent others or themselves in a time of unending military conflicts based on a critical assessment of U.S. wars as not serving the security of our country or its citizens.

Many of those youth who seek out community service alternatives to the military will be serving inside their own communities and regions where there exists a great need for humanitarian assistance to aid in environmental and social crises that require our direct intervention. Those youth who can connect the dots of what real community service means for establishing a sustainable economy will be the real heroes challenging the future quality of all of our lives. We need to begin to send the message that the waste of military spending needs to be redirected from war profiteering to enlivening the communities where we live and to invest in renewable energy and away from extractive resources which are the source of much of our war-making. #divestfromwar


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