About Face: Veterans Against the War
Organization: About Face: Veterans Against the War |
Address: P.O. Box 3565
City: New York City
State: New York
Zipcode: 10008
Phone: (646) 723-0989
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organizational Website: https://aboutfaceveterans.org/
Facebook: @VetsAboutFace
Twitter: @VetsAboutFace
YouTube: About Face: Veterans Against the War
Wikipedia: Iraq Veterans Against the War
Scope of organization:
- National
This organization is a:
- Offers Truth in Recruitment Information
Organization base:
- Veteran or military family based
Outreach to specific communities:
- Veteran and Active Military
Issues you are working on:
- Developing Curricula/Educational Materials
Years in Operation: 11-20 years
Summary describing your organization: We work to build a service-member and veteran led movement that ends militarism by transforming ourselves, military culture and American society. Our membership includes recent veterans and active duty servicemen and women who have served since September 11, 2001 in any branch of U.S. Military Service, National Guard, or Reserve.

Contact Person: Brittany Ramos DeBarros
Located in: northeast-region