Sorry to See You Go
Sorry to see you unsubscribe from the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth website. We know how overwhelming much of what is revealed here is to those both tired of all the demands upon them to be allies, both pro military and anti-military. NNOMY is neither and all the gradations in between.
Many years and stories are represented on this site about harm done and given in not to often clear justification. Keep in mind that in the final analysis of what a nation-state is, especially one as powerful as the United States of America, that we are burning the candle of our mutual existence on this planet from both ends. The success of our nation's wealth has had the dubious legacy of costs paid by others for our style of life and our futures are in the balance.
We will be forced to change and adapt to a planet stretched to its limits and the costs of constant wars staged and fought to compete for the resources to grow rather than sustain us will eventually be confronted by this country pushed into increasing existential crisis both natural and human caused.
We will all be forced back to this table to continue these discussions.
NNOMY Peace 2023