Social media Campaign Resources
Back to School Against War & Militarism! Get the 2018-19 Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruiting and School De-militarization Organizing from The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth and find out how you can help keep our youth safer and send a message to school officials and your government... military recruiters should be monitored in local high school and minor-aged youth deserve a balanced narrative on military service! Act Now to activate in your child's public school against Pentagon intrusions into our community youth.
Costs of War 001
(COPY The Text Below:) Thousands of United States service members have died in combat, as have thousands of civilian contractors. Many have died later on from injuries and illnesses sustained in the war zones. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and contractors have been wounded and are living with disabilities and war-related illnesses. Allied security forces have also suffered significant ...
Considering Enlisting in the Armed Forces 001
(COPY The Text Below:) Before enlisting, think carefully about what it means to be a soldier for eight years. Every member of the military, from the medic to the mechanic, is trained to fight and to ...
Getting Out of the Delayed Entry Program / Future Soldier Program 001
(COPY The Text Below:) Change Your mind and want to get out of the Delayed Entry/Future Soldier Program? If you signed up for the Delayed Entry Program DEP (or the Army’s “Future Soldiers Training ...
Stop Kids Going to War Number 009
(COPY The Text Below:) Before You Enlist check out our informational site for smart phones, Winning The Peace. For more information visit: ...
Stop Kids Going to War Number 008
(COPY The Text Below:) Before You Enlist check out our informational site for smart phones, Winning The Peace. For more information visit: ...
Social Media Outreach In this digital age, we are now firmly in an ongoing and evolving time where social media communications is an essential communication framework for current ...
Stop Kids Going to War Number 005
(COPY The Text Below:) Before You Enlist check out our informational site for smart phones, Winning The Peace. For more information visit: ...
Stop Kids Going to War Number 001
(COPY The Text Below:) Stop Kids Going to War| Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing Our website offers extensive information on military ...