
Folder Video Reports

Links to YouTube, Google, and other online video files about counter-recruitment.


Folder Peace Pill

Peace Pill

Peace Pill Videos celebrate those individuals and movements that struggle for peace, past and present, and educate us on a history that is intentionally left out of the official narrative about war and peace.

Because NNOMY recognizes that war and violence is a cultural illness, we feel the medicine to fight this disease is a Peace Pill.


default "Worth Fighting For" by Rory Fanning Popular

By 744 downloads

Pat Tillman's death by friendly fire was covered up just days before his comrade Rory Fanning—who served in the same unit as Tillman—left the Army Rangers as a conscientious objector. Disquieted by his tours in Afghanistan, Fanning sets out to honor Tillman's legacy by crossing the United States on foot.

Told with page-turning style, humor, and warmth, Worth Fighting For explores the emotional and social consequences of rejecting the mission of one of the most elite fighting forces in the world. It is only through the generous, and colorful people Fanning meets and the history he discovers that he learns to live again.


default A Soldiers Life Popular

By 6471 downloads

A Soldiers Life

This website and video are made for high school students to discourage them from enlisting in the military. All of the production staff who created the 10-minute video are students, ranging from middle school to college. The Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice and Veterans for Peace co-created the video with professional photographer and CCPJ Board member Richard Lord. Please feel free to share this with young people and their families.  It is hard to know what the coming years will hold in terms of war and peace; if we can save even one young person from being traumatized emotionally, physically, sexually or socially, then we are doing our job correctly.


default Addicted to War: Who's Who Popular

By 4747 downloads

Addicted to War: Who's Who

ATW1A short trailer that chronicles the history of the book 'Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism. Introduces the author, publisher and other key persons who've brought Addicted to War back from obscurity.

default Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism Popular

By 4228 downloads

atw-why?Visit Arlington West Santa Monica for more information. Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can't kick Militarism. An illustrated expose by Joel Andreas. Also of interest Arlington West

default Aimee Allison on military counter-recruiting Popular

By 5067 downloads

aaimeAimee Allison, veteran, conscientious objector and counter-recruiter, was a featured speaker at the national counter-recruitment confernece held at UCAL/Berkeley, October 22, 2005. It was jointly sponsored by the Campus Antiwar Network (CAN) and MOOS

default Antes de Alistarte Popular

By 4108 downloads

ADAAntes de Alistarte! es un conoce el contrapunto racional a las practicas de reclutamiento atractivas y enganosas que a menudo son usadas por reclutadores militares de EEUU. - 2016 revision

default Arlington West Popular

By 3243 downloads

Arlington West Film

ARLINGTON WEST is a 74-minute Art Film presenting "temporary cemeteries"in the sand, erected every Sunday by the Veterans For Peace in Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Oceanside, and Huntington Beach.  Flag draped coffins and over 5,500 wooden crosses, affectionately placed, invites the public to honor the unacknowledged fallen U.S. soldiers from Iraq & Afghanistan, for us to lament the cost of the war.

Watch the ARLINGTON WEST Trailer 3:16 minutes

default Before You Enlist! Popular

By 3941 downloads


Straight talk from soldiers, veterans and their family members tells what is missing from the sales pitches presented by recruiters and the military's marketing efforts. - 2016 revision

default CAMS Promo Popular

By 4028 downloads

CAMS Promo

This is a promotional video for CAMS,the Coalition Against Militarism In Our School. It is an introduction to who we are and what we do.
Of course anyone can be a part of the Coalition. Just go to the www.militaryfreeschools.org to find out what you can do.

default Collateral Murder: Ethan McCord in LA Popular

By 3146 downloads


Ethan McCord speaks about Collateral Murder in Iraq. Former Army Specialist and hero of Wikileaks video "Colateral Murder" speaks in Los Angeles @ Revolution Books on June 9, 2011. This is the initial talk with projections.

default Counter Recruiting at the Mall Popular

By 4324 downloads

CRMTen members of the Dutchess Peace Coalition decided to act locally to expose the lies students are told at recruiting centers.

default Counter-recruitment Coalition Action in Phoenix - vid 3 Popular

By 4599 downloads

CCAPThe counter-recruiters of CRC  marched in solidarity with a call to action by supporters of Lt. Watada, the first officer in the military to refuse to fight in an illegal war (now occupation) of Iraq.

default Funeral at Army Recruiting Station Popular

By 5336 downloads

FARSYouth from Summer of Resistance hold funeral at the downtown Army Recruiting Station in Washingon, DC, complete with coffins and trumpet, for the 2,500+ U.S. soldiers who have died in Iraq.

default Growing Activism: Project YANO Popular

By 2908 downloads

YANOLeaders from the Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities present career choices in peacemaking and social change to high school and college students gathered at UC San Diego. (#14214)

default Interview - John Judge - U.S. Wars & Military Recruitment Popular

By 4249 downloads

IJJ US WarsInterview with John Judge of the Committee on High School Options & Information on Careers, Education and Self-Improvement (C.H.O.I.C.E.S.) recorded January 22, 2000 in Seattle.

Image Knitting the Network: JROTC in Schools Palm Card? Popular

By 285 downloads

Download (jpg, 3.46 MB)


Knitting the Network: JROTC in Schools Palm Card?


The following videos challenge the justifications for the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs to be located in US and US territory high schools. These programs number more than 4000 in high schools nationally representing Army, Navy, and Air Force, (Now Space Force). The U.S. Army's JROTC program currently operates in more than 1,700 public and private high schools, military institutions, and correctional centers throughout the United States and overseas.

The Knitting the Network: JROTC in Schools Palm Card document is to be used for counter-recruitment in high and middle schools and its QR codes and links direct students, teachers, and parents to the following Youtube videos:

  1. Should JROTC be in schools?
  2. Is JROTC a Character Education program?

  3. Teaching Marksmanship in Schools?

This document offers four palm cards in black and white version in PDF format for printing and cutting into four sized palm cards | Cheap Printing

The videos utilize the imagery and practice of knitting as a non-invasive theme to discuss a controversial subject of military indoctrination programs in our schools that have the ultimate goal of generating military recruits once these cadets finish high school. The rate of those who complete four years of JROTC entering into the armed forces is about 40%.

These videos were produced in the NNOMY southern office in 2018.


The QR Code takes the viewer to the Youtube Channel Knitting the Network



default Latinos become focus for US army recruitment - 10 Oct 07 Popular

By 4055 downloads

LBF US ArmyThe US military says it has met its recruitment goals for 2007. However, signing new soldiers is getting more difficult, with an unpopular war in Iraq and open-ended commitments both there and in Afghanistan.

New figures reveal there has been a 40 per cent drop in African-Americans signing up for the army. The Pentagon wants to expand the size of the army to 547,000 soldiers by the year 2010, and are counting on Hispanics to fill the gap. To do so, recruiters are turning to incentives to bolster their numbers. Mike Kirsch explores the sometimes questionable tactics being used to entice Latino recruits into the US army.

default Leave My Child Alone / Video on Military Recruitment Issues Popular

By 6553 downloads

Leave My Child AloneCindy Sheehan (mother of a soldier slain in Iraq), Jim Massey (ex-Marine recruiter) and others reveal the true impact of No Child Left Behind's military recruitment in our high schools. With no end in sight to the increasingly lethal American occupation in Iraq, this is the single-most important film for concerned parents and citizens to see. Watch the 11-minute film and then take action to "opt our kids out" at LeaveMyChildAlone.org. Created by Mainstreet Moms and Working Assets. Producer: Mainstreet Moms and Working. Assets; Public Domain Film.

default Martin Luther King, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam" Popular

By 3882 downloads

MLKMartin Luther King, Jr. - What he would say today about bailing out Wall Street or attacking Iran is clear when you hear what he said before he was assassinated. - (22 minutes)

default Militainment, Inc. - Militarism & Pop Culture Popular

By 3255 downloads

MMPCMilitainment, Inc. offers a fascinating, disturbing, and timely glimpse into the militarization of American popular culture, examining how U.S. news coverage has come to resemble Hollywood film, video games, and “reality television” in its glamorization of war. Mobilizing an astonishing range of media examples – from news anchors’ idolatry of military machinery to the impact of government propaganda on war reporting – the film asks: How has war taken its place in the culture as an entertainment spectacle?And how does presenting war as entertainment affect the ability of citizens to evaluate the necessity and real human costs of military action? The film is broken down into nine sections, each between 10 and 20 minutes in length, allo wing for in-depth classroom analysis of individual elements of this wide-ranging phenomenon.

Watch the entire Militainment documentary on Youtube Here

default Military Recruiters in High school Popular

By 3795 downloads

MRHSPath to Reality: THE IOWA PEACE TASK FORCE teams up with American Friends Service Committee to protect students from strong arm recruitment tactics.

Peace & Militarism in Our High Schools.
Two Iowa parents tell there story.

default Military Recruitment Popular

By 4079 downloads

MR 1A focus on military recruitment efforts in the local high school. The conversation builds to a broad discussion about the necessity of war. Filmed in Juneau, Alaska and created for the 2007 International Documentary Challenge.

default NNOMY Counter-Recruitment and demilitarization Conference. Popular

By 3614 downloads

NNOMY ConferenceIn the Past few years, the U.S. military has mounted a virtual invasion into the lifes of young Americans.

By using data mining, stealth websites, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) as a career test and sophisticated marketing software, the Pentagon is harvesting and analysing information on everything from high school students's GPA's and SAT scores to which video games they play.

Photographs by Mathieu Grandjean

default O'Reilly & Military Recruiters in Schools Popular

By 3790 downloads

OMRSO'Reilly & Military Recruiters in Schools... Spokesperson from Iraqi Veterans Against the War explains counter-recruitment position over action in Seattle?

default Recruiters Chased Out of SCCC Popular

By 3735 downloads

RCOSRecruiters chased out of Seattle Central Community College.

default Recruiters Lie to Kids at Malls to Fill Quotas Popular

By 3830 downloads

RKLM"You're a salesman, you have a quota," explains former Marine recruiter, Chris Dugan.

Recruiting for peace at http://www.michaelmoore.com/

default Recruiting Lives. Student documentary About Military Recruit Popular

By 5695 downloads

RLSDThis is a short documentary about military recruitment and counter-recruitment in colleges and high schools. The speakers are amateur but the content about the movement is good, and it's nice and short.

default Sir! No Sir! Popular

By 7341 downloads

“Sir! No Sir!” “A 'must-see' documentary which seeks to return to the historical record the pivotal story of the GI anti-war movement during the Vietnam War." Les Wright, http://www.sirnosir.com/

Revised 10/13/2017

default The top Marine recruiter in the country Popular

By 3765 downloads

TTMRCUSMC Staff Sgt. Franky Rodriguez, of Perth Amboy, is in charge of the Marine recruiting office in East Brunswick. In 2008 he was named the Marine's top recruiter in the nation. We caught up with him recently too see what his day was like. (Video by John Munson, Story by Matt Mabe)

default Yo Soy El Army: U.S. Military Targets Latinos With Extensive Recruitment Campaign 1 of 2 Popular

By 4590 downloads

YSEAYo Soy El Army: U.S. Military Targets Latinos With Extensive Recruitment Campaign

In addition to the racial profiling encouraged by Arizonas controversial anti-immigrant law, the Hispanic community in this country is the target of a different kind of profiling as well: the militarys targeting of Latino recruits. We get a report from independent media activist and community organizer Marco Amador of Producciones Cimarron and the Center for Community Communications and the Big Noise media collective.

default Yo Soy El Army: U.S. Military Targets Latinos With Extensive Recruitment Campaign 2 of 2 Popular

By 4737 downloads

YSEA 2Yo Soy El Army: U.S. Military Targets Latinos With Extensive Recruitment Campaign

In addition to the racial profiling encouraged by Arizonas controversial anti-immigrant law, the Hispanic community in this country is the target of a different kind of profiling as well: the militarys targeting of Latino recruits. We get a report from independent media activist and community organizer Marco Amador of Producciones Cimarron and the Center for Community Communications and the Big Noise media collective.

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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