Project PASS

Project PassThe program, Project Partnership for All Students’ Success (PASS) (archived), offers elective Junior Leadership Corps (JLC) courses, after-school activities and a JROTC program to develop character and leadership with the goal of keeping students in school and improving their chances for a successful life. Project PASS was established through a partnership between the U.S. Army and NASBE, which represents America’s state and territorial boards of education.

According to America’s Promise Alliance, schools face a myriad of challenges nationwide, including combating a high drop-out rate that includes 1.2 million students each year. Additionally, schools struggle to create an environment that fosters leadership, accountability and academic achievement. NASBE and the U.S. Army believe Project PASS’ unique blend of community support, a continuum of curriculum—middle school through high school— and leadership opportunities will go far towards meeting these challenges and ultimately help students reach their potential. 



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Revised 10-17-2019

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



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The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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