pdf Army National Convention Program, 1/27/84 (Archived) Popular

By In General Recruiting 3004 downloads

National Convention Program
1 . P U R P O S E . This regulation establishes the policy , responsibilities, and procedures governing the US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) National Convention Program.
2 . SCOP E . This regulation is applicable to all elements of this Command and to both the Regular Army (RA) and the US Army Reserve (USAR) recruiting effort.
3. POLICY. It is the policy of this Command to conduct effective sales promotion programs that sup- port the Army recruiting mission. The National Convention/Exhibit Program is a sales promotion acti- vity that can, with proper emphasis, appreciably enhance the recruiting effort. USAREC participation in civilian sponsored conventions/exhibitions provides our recruiting managers a dynamic forum and unique opportunity to meet , in a concentrated period of time , key decision makers , centers of influence (COI), opinion leaders, and prospects. - pdf

pdf Delayed Entry and Delayed Training Program (Archived) Popular

By In General Recruiting 3230 downloads

DEPHistory. This UPDATE printing publishes a revised regulation which is effective 15 August 2002. Summary. This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for the management of HQ USAREC DEP and DTP enlistees from the time of enlistment into the DEP or DTP until the member accesses into the RA or enters IADT. It provides standardization of DEP and DTP followup, DEP and DTP briefings, and policy for DEP and DTP functions. Efficient, more responsive DEP and DTP management will assist in achieving mission accomplishment and precluding and/or reducing DEP and DTP losses caused by recruiter-influenced factors. It also provides a source of suggested methods and ideas for improving DEP and DTP retention - USAREC Regulation 601-95; 8/15/02

pdf Dictionary of Terms and Authorized Acronyms (old, but still useful) (Archived) Popular

By In General Recruiting 3200 downloads

Dictionary of termsSummary. This pamphlet provides standard definitions, terminology, and authorized acronyms for use within the United States Army Recruiting Command.

This UPDATE pr int ing publ ishes a revised USAREC pamphlet. Because of the extensive changes made, no attempt has been made to highlight changes from previous edition. - USAREC Pamphlet 25-31; 5/6/96 - pdf

default DOD Forms Management Program Popular

By In General Recruiting 2946 downloads

Department of Defense
Forms Management Program

pdf Education Enlistment Credentials (Archived) Popular

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USAREC Regulation 601-101USAREC Regulation 601-101; 11/30/98

pdf Educators/Centers of Influence Tour Program (Archived) Popular

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USAREC Regulation 601-81USAREC Regulation 601-81; 10/1/01

pdf GAO Report on Military Recruiter Misconduct Popular

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Download (pdf, 812 KB)

GAO report recruiter misconduct.pdf

The Government Accounting Office has documented more than 6,000 cases of recruiter misconductThe Government Accounting Office has documented more than 6,000 cases of recruiter misconduct.

pdf Guidance Counselor Procedures (i.e., Army enlistment processing staff, not high school counselors) Popular

By In General Recruiting 3468 downloads

USAREC Regulation 601-96USAREC Regulation 601-96; 4/30/05

Revised 10/13/2017

pdf Index of MEPCOM forms (Archived) Popular

By In General Recruiting 279 downloads


pdf Management of Centers of Influence Events, 1/31/97 Popular

By In General Recruiting 3186 downloads

USAREC Regulation 1-18USAREC Regulation 1-18

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



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The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.
admin@nnomy.org  +1 619 798 8335
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