default Mixed Signals by Sabrina Jones Popular
By Sabrina Jones In Magazines/Comic books/Zines Tagged in antiwarcomix, ArtAgainstWar, militarism 9274 downloads

16 pages, black & white. Suggested donation: $2 per copy.
To Order Copies: Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your address and how you'll use them. If you are a no-budget group - we can send you some free copies, otherwise, please contribute what you can to keep this thing rolling. We're hoping to raise funds to print it with color covers (any leads?) but for now, let's get the message out!
If you have access to a good quality copier, you can order one copy, remove the staples, and make your own multiples. (Archived)
Mixed Signals is ©Sabrina Jones 2006.
Permission to reproduce is granted for non-commercial use.