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By NNOMY ORG In Curricula/Classroom Resources 1659 downloads
Afghanistan and the U.S. (1)(1).pdf

Background and Resources for Students - As the busy school year begins, many of us are thinking of how we can include the upcoming 20th anniversary of 9-11 in our curriculum. Memorial events will be held all over the country and be widely covered in the news this weekend. Attached you will find a brochure on Afghanistan, and a ready-made curriculum worksheet for students as they watch the webinar:
The curriculum was designed for high school students, but can be adapted.
It is our hope that young people across the country are exposed to, and part of the conversation about 9-11, its causes, its aftermath and a vision of where we go from here.
TEACHERS and STUDENTS: There is also a Downloadable Student Worksheet Available for this resource on Google Docs