audio Audio from May 14th War Resisters event in Watsonville Popular

By In Audio Reports 5765 downloads

Iraq combat veterans, Agustin Aguayo and Camilo Mejia, were joined by fellow war resisters Pablo Paredes and Robert Zabala at a series of Northern California events May 9-18. One of the stops included Watsonville where the 4 men spoke in local high school class rooms and on local station KUSP 88.9 FM in the morning and at the First Presbyterian Church that evening. Read more

pdf Austin Equal Access Directive Popular

By In School Board Policies 12428 downloads

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pdf automatic registration in the united states: the selective service example Popular

By In Draft Tagged in draft-registration, Selectiveservice 803 downloads

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automatic registration  in the united states:  the selective service  example

For decades, federal law required men to register with the Selective Service when they turn 18 and to keep their registrations current through the age of 25. Enforceable law helped encourage registration; so did the agency’s efforts to make registration materials available in post offices, schools, and other public places.

In 2009, however, the Selective Service System has taken a more pro-active role in registration and has deployed a range of technological resources that make registration easier and more efficient. Automatic registration programs and data-sharing arrangements with other government agencies— including state departments of motor vehicles, Education, and the Department of Labor’s Job Corps Program— significantly help the Selective Service to register members of the target population and to keep registrations current.

 2009. This paper is covered by the Creative Commons “Attribution-No Derivs-NonCommercial” license (see It may be reproduced in its entirety as long as the Brennan Center for Justice is credited, a link to the Center’s web page is provided, and no change is imposed. The paper may not be reproduced in part or altered in form, or if a fee is charged, without the Center’s permission. Please let the Brennan Center for Justice know if you reprint.

default AWOL Magazine Popular

By In Magazines/Comic books/Zines 1870 downloads

AWOL Magazine
To find out how you can get involved with the AWOL Magazine & CD Project, respond to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also call 1-800-NO-JROTC or contact us at 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. (Archived)

pdf Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing Popular

By In Toolkits/guides Tagged in back-to-school, counter-recruitment, demilitarization 8733 downloads

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The Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing is a catalog of basic material useful to educating young people and school personnel about the realities of military enlistment and war. The catalog also includes some information on alternatives to enlistment, as well as items written for organizers seeking to reach out to local schools. All of the material in this catalog was carefully reviewed for relevancy and accuracy as of the January of 2024.  

A task force of knowledgeable organizers did the research. It does not include all of the available literature on  this topic because much of what exists is out of date or is no longer being produced by the original sources.

Consequently, we focused on identifying items that we felt were basic and most useful for effective organizing  and educating. New items may be added to future kits as they become available.


It’s very simple: Read the descriptions in the catalog and then go to the links that are listed to view or download documents that are relevant o your local organizing. In some cases, you will be able to reprint them for local reproduction; or, you will be able to order copies in bulk if they are offered by the original source.

NOTE: If you wish to print the catalog, be sure to choose the landscape setting in your print menu (i.e., horizontal).


The catalog groups items into various subject categories:

  • Counter-recruitment
  • Non-military Career, College and Service Alternatives
  • Gender and the Military
  • Delayed Entry Program (DEP)
  • Privacy  (Opt Out Forms/ ASVAB etc.)
  • Resources for Organizers
  • Contact Information


Who Distributes the Back-to-school Kit for Counter-recruitment and School Demilitarization Organizing:




Revised 01/08/2024 - GDG

pdf Basic DEP brochure (Archived) Popular

By In Delayed Entry Program 8361 downloads

Basic DEP brochure by Center on Conscience and War

default Before You Enlist Popular

By In Documentaries/Films 9541 downloads

Before You Enlist Cover“Before You Enlist!” provides a rational voice to counter the seductive and often deceptive recruiting practices of the U.S. military. The message is not “don’t enlist” but rather to provide young people and their families a more complete picture of the life-altering consequences of joining the military – especially in wartime.  14 minutes

default Before You Enlist and After You Say No Popular

By In Trainings/Trainers 7250 downloads

Before You Enlist and After You Say No

We asked The Ruckus Society and Training for Change to help us create a training manual to assist the growing counter-recruitment movement. The Ruckus Society has played a lead role in the Not Your Soldier counter-recruitment camps. Their experience, coupled with Training for Change's direct education approach, produced a result that is a pedagogically sound, information-packed series of workshops with a skill-building emphasis. Matt Smucker of the smartMeme collective and Beyond The Choir also contributed by writing the Media and Messaging workshop.

This new training manual contains:

  • Fifty group exercises
  • Eight complete workshops
  • Handouts and support articles

All tools designed with the direct education approach, which uses group exercises that emphasize participants' empowerment and taps their wisdom as much as possible, not a boring lecture-based teaching approach.

For more information about ordering a copy along with the companion DVD, see our publications page (ON SALE for $7.50!).

default Before You Enlist! Popular

By In Video Reports 3941 downloads


Straight talk from soldiers, veterans and their family members tells what is missing from the sales pitches presented by recruiters and the military's marketing efforts. - 2016 revision

pdf Best Practices for ASVAB-CEP Administration A Guide for Professional School Counselors Popular

By In ASVAB 1460 downloads

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ASVAB-CEP Best Practices 2013_FINAL.pdf

Of the many roles you will play in the lives  of your students, career planning is one of the most   important.  The American School Counselor Association  (ASCA) strongly encourages counselors to collaborate  with “administrators, teachers, staff, families and the   community to ensure all students have the opportunity  to design a rigorous and relevant academic and career program.”  One way to guide students in exploring   career possibilities is through aptitude and career assessment testing.

Constitutional Rights and Human Rights Clinics - Best Practices Series


Rutgers University School of Law - 2013

The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) is supported by individual contributions and a grant by the Craigslist Charitable Fund - 2023 Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. NNOMY websites are hosted by The Electric Embers Coop.



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues connected with militarism and resistance. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Contact NNOMY


The National Network Opposing

the Militarization of youth
San Diego Peace Campus

3850 Westgate Place
San Diego, California 92105 U.S.A.  +1 619 798 8335
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 Noon till 5pm PST
Skype: nnomy.demilitarization

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